Art Bucket List
-Make a Living as an Artist
-Attend disability arts conference -Attend an art therapy conference -Go to school for Art Therapy
-Get published in Canadian Art
-Show at a disability arts festival
-Create a local disability arts festival
-Create a professional online course
-Receive Art Therapy
-Finish all levels of the Shambhala Art Courses -Win at Art Battle -Get Canada council for the arts Grant -Travel for a paid Artist Residency -Get my art in The Gallery on Queen, Gallery 78, The Beaverbrook -Get an RBC Grant -Play Bob’s Ross Board Game Happy Little Accidents -Show art in Europe -Make a piece of art that is bigger than me -Try Encaustic Panting -Take watercolor classes -Get an art mentor -Get my work featured in CBC Arts -Get featured at AMI -I like to go to art school -Practice figure drawings, gestures, learn to draw better from imagination -Have Art Collectors -Get an artist studio / dedicated space just for that purpose -Create a non profit that help artists with disability thrive and get the resources they need to be artists -Create a lending tools library -Learn more about disability art history -Go to Tangled -Create a disability art history resource -Get a professional grade mat cutter -Get in to Beneath the Surface -Work in an art store, in art admin -Get more students in my art class -Develop a online course -Get popular enough for patreon to be worth it -Get sponsorships companies giving me art supplies to review